Doing the right thing at right time

We help the best franchise brands to succeed

The secret of success is to work with a plan

We help the best franchise brands with a smart and result based plan

We are passionate about your brand

We assist franchisors at every stage of their lifecycle, from start-up to global expansion:


Nederlandse franchiseformules internationaal

Als je franchise formule er aan toe is om de stap te maken naar het buitenland. Heeft  Franchise Match het FPI netwerk met franchiseconsultant om je succesvol begeleiden.


Franchise formulas to the Netherlands

When you want to enter the Dutch franchise market, Franchise Match is there to assist and help you in the smartest way possible to do this successfully. Support is there from start to finish. 


Franchise ondernemers

We werken met de beste franchise formules die door de werkmethodiek en de audit die Franchise Match inzet. Je deze zekerheid bieden dan het een succesvolle franchise voor je kan worden..

Why Franchise Brand work with Us

We work together with the brands on the best strategy to achieve the necessary results in the Dutch franchise market. With our result-driven working method we help franchise brands to start in the best way possible on the Dutch market. A commercial and legal audit of the franchise is part of that working method. 

Team Work

In addition to all the expertise and experience available at Franchise Match, we support the franchise brand with a  partner network (finance, locations, marketing). This helps the brands to have a better idea of locations by using data to find the best locations. Supporting financing issues in various ways. And we have a unique and successful way of recruiting potential candidates for the franchise brands.

Onboarding Process

The Netherlands has its specific culture and clear franchise legislation when it comes to franchise brands. We ensure that the correct legal data and working methods are used. And that the cultural differences are answered in a smart way.

Data driven

For the start in another country and the growth of a franchise formula, data is important, data for the best locations, commercial data. And to be able to make smarter choices through data. We collect data for developing a location strategy, the commercial process, and finding potential partners that make our support method increasingly smarter.

How we support franchise brands with 4 stepstones


Franchise Formula

We will ensure that the franchise formula is well-prepared for the Dutch market.

We take care of the onboarding of the formula with a good strategic plan for a Master or a Multi unit entrepreneur.



We work with demographic data to intelligently determine the best locations. The data from location 1 is used when choosing location 2. This gives the location specialist increasingly better information for the next location.


Financal solution

It is important for the growth of a formula that there is knowledge of financing options. We have partners who make it different financial solutions possible. Hybrid, crowd or share funding, informal. We have the options in our partner network.



We have a unique methodology based on the right database, tooling and personal follow-up. This allows us to enter into discussions with entrepreneurs who can be the right partner for the formula.




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Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.



Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.

Our Pricing Table


Support franchise Formula

€ 3.950

  • Presentation on FranchisingCenter.
  • Social Runner search including PA for 3 months
  • Marketing campagne LinkedIn.
  • Follow-up conversation candidate FN.
  • Monthly feedback session
  • marketing campaign with material franchise formula
  • Passing on potential candidates.


Co-operation with Franchise Formula


  • Brand Launch on FranchisingCenter & Franchise Match.
  • Social Runner search multiple platforms 6 months
  • Marketing campagne 6 months.
  • Audit – preparation for the Dutch market legal.
  • Audit – preparation commercial applicability.
  • Preparation for pre-contractual information document.
  • Qualifying candidate franchisees.
  • Monthly feedback session.


Structural co-operation 


  • Presentation FranchisingCenter & Franchise Match.
  • Social Runner search multiple platforms 12 months.
  • Marketing campagne 12 months.
  • full market research including competition, location and proposition research.
  • Audit & preparation for the Dutch market legal.
  • Audit & preparation commercial applicability.
  • Preparation for pre-contractual information document.
  • Qualifying candidate franchisees.
  • Monthly feedback session.
  • .

Our Talent Team

Jeanette Cole

Jeanette Cole

Marketing Officer

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Alan Handerson

Alan Handerson

Cheif Financial Officer

Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus.

Paul Smith

Paul Smith

Cheif Executive Officer

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